Getting Started with NGS for Oncology

Bring next-generation sequencing (NGS) into your pathology lab




What are the Advantages of In-House NGS
for Pathology Labs?

With NGS testing in-house, you no longer have to give up your samples and rely on outside labs, which can take weeks and potentially lead to high failure rates. With your sample and testing expertise onsite, your multidisciplinary team is always empowered with the information they need to tailor patient treatments for better outcomes.
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Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS).  Advancing Precision Oncology Research

While it began as a revolutionary research tool a decade ago, NGS is now the method of choice for simultaneous genomic profiling of multiple cancer markers.  For hospitals, the advantages of NGS over traditional methods are indisputable in terms of time savings, tissue preservation, and a precision oncology approach to patient care. 


NGS in Community Hospitals

Learn how community hospitals are benefiting from in-house NGS in an article from Luca Quagliata, PhD, Thermo Fisher Global Head of Medical Affairs.

> Read Article


Ready to get your lab started with NGS?

Get our educational guide and learn: 

  • Why NGS is such a transformative technology for precision oncology
  • How NGS helps improve patient outcomes
  • Key oncology applications, and the pros and cons of different sequencing methods
  • How surprisingly easy NGS is to implement and operate with its straight-forward, streamlined, highly automated workflow







A Simple Workflow for Any Cancer Lab

Now any hospital pathology lab can perform NGS. A highly automated workflow makes it easy for you to get started with your existing staff and infrastructure. Intuitive reporting enables you to deliver the results that capture critical information and links biomarkers to relevant evidence.




NGS tailored to your hospital - today and tomorrow

As your hospital's needs evolve, your flexible NGS platform easily adapts to meet new demands for different types of assays.  


One Platform.  Multiple Applications.




Endeavor to Leave No Patient Behind: NGS Non-Small Cell Lung (NSCL) Biomarker Testing




In this CAP Today webinar, you'll learn how to keep pace with the fast-changing guidelines in precision oncology, test the most challenging samples, and optimize outcomes for as many NSCLC patients as possible. 

Comprehensive Biomarker Testing




See how University Hospital Basel is using NGS testing to inform treatment decisions for lung cancer patients.

Additional Resources

Have questions?  We look forward to speaking with you about bringing NGS to your lab.



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