Evaluation of Rapid Next-Generation Sequencing for the Study of Acute Myeloid Leukemia
In a recent GenomeWeb webinar, Rapid next-generation sequencing for the study of acute myeloid leuke... -
2021 European Association for Haematopathology Virtual Meeting Highlights
2021 EAHP Symposium Overview As part of the 20th Meeting of the European Association for Haematopath... -
NGS Enables Precision Oncology in Community-Based Hospitals
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology has changed cancer treatment by enabling pathologists an... -
University of Munich Evaluates the Oncomine Comprehensive Plus Assay for HRD Detection
Our OncomineWorld event in 2021 brought thousands of professionals together from around the world to... -
Case Study: High-Quality, Cost-Effective Genomic Testing and Genetic Profiling using NGS
In a recent case study interview, pathologist Federico Jauk, head of the Sequencing Laboratory at th... -
Q&A: An Inside Look at Immune Repertoire Assay Development with Dr. Geoffrey Lowman
Dr. Geoffrey Lowman Senior Staff Scientist, Molecular Biology, Clinical Sequencing Division Thermo F... -
UAB Study Evaluates the Oncomine Myeloid Research Assay GX on the Genexus System
Performance of the Oncomine Myeloid Research Assay GX Craig Mackinnon, MD, PhD, Director of Genomic ... -
Evaluating the Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX for Detection of Key Variants
Dr. Yi Ding of Geisinger Medical Laboratories recently presented at the 2020 Association of Molecula... -
What is Comprehensive Genomic Profiling & is it the Right Solution for You?
What is comprehensive genomic profiling? Comprehensive genomic profiling, or CGP, is the simultaneou...